Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Whoopy day. I've been tagged. Incidentally, Kelly already did this whole tagging thing to me. But, oh nevermind, I'll do it again.

So, Five Random Facts about myself:
1) I'm falling ill after walking around so much yesterday. So now I have a running nose and I'm feeling sleepy...

2) I haven't started studying for my S Paper selection test, so I may be screwed.

3) I miss certain people in the class...

4) Some of my cell members find it discomfitting when I smile, because they think I have something on my mind about a comment they just made, when in actual fact I don't. When I do have a comment to make I more or less always end up saying it.

5) People have a tendency to call me by my full name. I wonder why. Is Joel too short? Or maybe it's because adding a Lian behind makes it sound so much better. I think I'll take the second option.

I can't be bothered to spread this tagging thing any further. I'm sleepy...

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